BlephEx® Treatment for Dry Eye and Blepharitis
BlephEx® addresses the chronic inflammatory disease of the eyelids also known has blepharitis, which affects the tear glands and causes eye irritation and dry eyes. BlephEx® treatment precisely and safely cleans and exfoliates your eyelids and lashes, which will almost immediately improve your symptoms. More importantly, by completely removing the exotoxin-laden biofilm along the lid margin, your doctor can help you avoid the long-term inflammatory damage to your tear glands, preventing chronic dry eye syndrome.
How BlephEx® Works

BlephEx® is a painless in-office procedure performed at Georgia Eye Associates. A revolutionary new patented handpiece is used to very precisely and carefully spin a medical grade micro-sponge along the edge of your eyelids and lashes, removing scurf and debris and exfoliating your eyelids.
The patented micro-sponge is disposable and a new one is used for each individual eyelid so bacteria is not spread between the lids.The eyes are rinsed well afterward.
The procedure lasts about 6-8 minutes and is well tolerated. Most patients simply report a tickling sensation. A numbing drop is usually placed in each eye prior to treatment for increased comfort.
After the procedure, the patient is instructed on how to maintain their clean eyelids with regular nightly lid hygiene. Since home treatments are only semi-effective, the procedure is typically repeated at 4-6 month intervals.